MyBVCS is one of the best ways to stay virtually connected to our school community! Available for free for iOS and Android, the app has numerous benefits for both parents and students: push notifications will keep you updated about school closures and other important news; you’ll always have your school calendars and student resources on hand and up-to-date; conveniently e-mail, phone, or navigate to the school, or reach the website or social media; spread the word about school events by social media, email or text message. Contact Tom Grasmeyer for the install code if you need it.

For Parents
Stay up-to-date with school news and calendar updates. You can customize your notifications so you don’t need to rely on your kids to remind you of important dates!

For Students
Track your homework with reminders, subscribe to updates from your teachers and the school, and always have up-to-date event calendars and other information at hand.