Do I need to re-register for the new year?

Yes. Registrations do not carry over from one year to the next. If you used the bus in 2023/24, you must re-register to be on the bus in 2024/25.

Where is my nearest stop? What will the routes be?

We construct the routes based on the families who have signed up. So we don’t know specific routes and roads, stops or times until registration has closed and routes are built. However our general routes will be:

  1. Route #1—Telkwa, Tyhee Lake, Billeter
  2. Route #2—Smithers, Lake Kathlyn, Evelyn, Witset

Bus registration closes on 21 August. In the week following, we’ll look at the addresses and try to construct routes that serve as many families as possible with stops that are safe and convenient.

How much will this cost? And what are the terms?

Per-family bus rates will vary by school.

  • BVCS families will pay $550 per family per year
  • Families from other schools will pay $650 per family per year

Please note:

  • family bus fees will not be pro-rated. This is because our costs (to buy a buy, hire drivers, insure, fuel) do not change with your ridership. The bus fee is not a per-ride calculated fee. Think of it more like a membership. It’s there, regardless of how much or little you use it. For example:
    • if you join ½ way through the year, you still pay full price.
    • if your child only rides occasionally (like once or twice a week, or just one direction), you still pay full price
    • if your child has a stop that is close to school, you still pay full price
  • family bus fees will not be refunded. For example, if you leave the bus service for any reason we will not refund you in full or in part.

Riding the bus here or there to go to a friend’s house (birthday, babysitting) does not require you to pay for the bus. However, if you’re a regular part of the schedule (even if infrequent), we have to charge. “Once every second week” or “just one way on Tuesdays” is still a regular part of the schedule.

Which takes precedence: Field trips or routes?

We have written a Bus Transportation Policy to govern this and other aspects of busing. View it here.

Are we serving other schools?

Yes. We are pleased to have finalized an agreement with St. Joseph’s Catholic School and L’école la Grande-ourse.