Preparing for the Future

Our Goal

The goal of the Rooted & Growing Campaign is to raise $400,000 over the next three years through new giving and pledges.

Tom Grasmeyer

Director of Advancement

Office 250-847-4238


A 60+ year heritage

Since our doors first opened in 1961, Bulkley Valley Christian School has been driven by a singular mission for transformative Christian education. In the pursuit of this mission, our priorities have remained unchanged: find and develop staff who are committed to Jesus Christ, attract and enroll families who can partner in this mission, build and maintain facilities that create space for educational excellence, and deliver a program that is rich in Christian insight and character. We are grateful to God in his abundant provision throughout our history.

With the completion of our Facility Upgrade project (summer of 2024), Bulkley Valley Christian School is excited to anticipate the future: a future of growth, new opportunity and an expanded and deepening fulfillment of our mission for Christian education.

Preparing for tomorrow

We envision a future of growth: growth in enrolment numbers and the expansion of our mission for Christian education into new programs and renewed facilities. One priority, among others, related to preparing for growth includes re-establishing our capital funds. Our plan is to “re-fund” our capital reserves to the $900,000+ level within five years. We are doing this in two key ways:

  1. an annual operating budget commitment of $100,000/year for five years into our capital reserves ($500,000)
  2. a donor partner project that we’ve called “Rooted and Growing”, with all proceeds going into capital reserves ($400,000)

In the Rooted and Growing campaign, our goal is to raise $400,000 over the next three years through new giving and pledges. We invite you—our supporting community—to join with us.