Policies and Handbooks

Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook

Secondary School Parent/Student Handbook

Acceptable Use Policy
Cell Phone Policy 2024-25
BVCS has adopted a new cell phone policy for the 2024-25 school year. The purpose of this policy is to ensure a focused and productive learning environment, and to encourage authentic communication and community building at BVCS.
BVCS Accessibility Plan
At Bulkley Valley Christian School we recognize the importance of accessibility not only for those with disabilities but also for the benefit of the entire school community.
Bus Transportation Policy
The BVCS Bus Transportation Policy is available here.
Bus Passenger Rules
Bus rules for passengers are available here.
BVCS Communicable Disease Plan
The BVCS Communicable Disease Plan is available here.
Team Sports
To support all roles in our extra-curricular athletics programs, we have developed a set of guidelines for coaches, players and parents. We expect all coaches, parents and players to abide by the guidelines and expectations set out in this document.
ERASE Bullying
Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities.
Violence Threat Risk Assessment – Fair Notice
Student safety and a caring environment is our top priority. This policy stipulates when, how and why we carry out threat assessments.