A group of 32 people, including 18 teenagers, will be traveling from Smithers to a small town on the Baja peninsula during Spring Break. We will be building a house for a family in need down there. In order to cover the cost of the build ($10,000 CDN approx) and to help cover travel costs, we are doing a variety of fundraising activities, one of which is a hamburger fundraiser.
We will be getting a cow or a few and having a work bee at the Sausage Factory to make ground beef and hamburger patties. We are now taking pre-orders, and plan on making the hamburger in early January.
Cheques can be made out to ‘Serving HAT’ or e-transfers to tracy_shalene@hotmail.com security question; where are we going? answer: mexico
Serving HAT beef fundraiser (order form PDF)