A Rocha Director in Houston

David Anderson will be in Houston at the Buck Creek Hatchery and Nature Centre on Wednesday., May 3 at 7:00pm to share about A Rocha’s mission and how that flows from the Biblical story and a life of faith. You’re invited to come and visit!

Rough Acres Bible Camp

Rough Acres Bible Camp is seeking help for their 2023 camping season. Students can volunteer for a week as cabin leaders, support staff, kitchen help and more. Full details are available at www.roughacres.org or view the PDFs attached below. Volunteering Poster (PDF)...

Litter-a-thon: Why the changes?

This year we’ve made significant changes to the Litter-a-thon fundraising. We’ve introduced new two-part carbonless form booklets, withdrawn receipting for cash and cheque payments (still available for online payments), and changed some of our...

BVCS Spring Clean-Up · May 6

It’s time to clean up for spring! We are all dusty, leafy, and pebbley again. Let’s meet together on Saturday, May 6 to welcome spring and bring some of its freshness to our facility. We’ll be working from 9 am until noon. Drinks and snacks will be...

Cameras on BVCS Buses

Over the next few weeks we will be installing forward- and rear-facing cameras on both of our school buses. This is being done in the interest of student and driver safety. Forward-facing cameras will help to record and report drivers who violate the red flashing...