What do you get when you mix ice cream, balloons, auctions, games and a building full of people? A BVCS Bazaar. And a lot of nostalgia. And a ton of fun.
Our March 8 Bazaar brought together nearly 400 unique volunteer slots and donations (mystery jars, cakes, baking, and a lot more) with 150 auction donations. This strong volunteerism and donation volume made for a very successful spring fundraiser (for capital budget items) and a wonderful community event.
We want to extend our thanks to the many, many volunteers and donors who contributed to the Bazaar in ways big and small. We also want to thank the many people, young and old, who came out and supported us with their donations, spending and participation. In addition, we want to thank those who took special effort to lead a Bazaar area (such as meal, decorations, bake sale, refreshments, games, auction) and those who donated to both auctions.
Auction Results
We ask that all auction buyers (and bucket auction winners) collect and pay for their items before end of school day on Friday, March 14. If you are not sure what you won, please see the list available with the button below.
Auction Results (all auctions)