Bus #1 will be bringing grade 6 to Fort St James on June 19 and 20, so there will be some disruption on the Telkwa route. Please note:
- Monday, June 19: morning route will run as normal. No afternoon route
- Tuesday, June 20: no AM/PM route
- Wednesday, June 21: regular AM/PM route (this is the last day of school)
The above does not affect Bus #2 (Smithers/Witset).
Why Bus #1?
We are attempting to balance bus disruptions between the two routes. Both routes have lost service this year due to overnight trips. For example, Bus #2 parents recently lost a few days of service when Bus #2 went to Haida Gwaii.
For Fort St James trip, Bus #1 is more suited. It has the luggage compartments and is significantly better on fuel than Bus #2. (Bus #2 had to be used for Haida Gwaii for reasons having to do with ferry loadings, ground clearances and more.)