Our bus routes will begin on Tuesday, September 3. Here are some things to know:

  • On September 3 the AM route will run as scheduled. The PM route will run at lunchtime (since we have a ½ day)
  • Route times are approximate. Please be at your stop at least 5 minutes prior to scheduled time. This is because with new routes we will need a bit of time to make changes and refinements.
  • Routes are available at www.bvcs.ca/bvcs-bus
  • If you do not see your name on the route that you signed up for, there could be a few reasons for this:
    • You didn’t complete your registration (so we never received it)
    • You live in an area that we cannot practically serve (you may live in an area that would extend our route times)
    • Or we missed you (our mistake.
    • If you you need more information or need to get onto the bus, please contact the school office ASAP.

Any bus-related questions should be directed to the office by calling 250-847-4238.