BVCS is looking for a few parents who love gardening to lend a volunteering hand on campus. We have room for several parents. There are two main ways (you can choose to do both, or either):

  • Ongoing care of two flowerbeds. There is a flowerbed by our school sign that needs some TLC, as well as a flower bed beside our main entrance. You’d do whatever you deem necessary to make these two flower beds sparkle—weeding, feeding, replacing plants, etc. There are no ‘hours’: you can do this whenever you have time. We have a few gardening tools here at the school. School will cover expenses (plants, fertilizer, etc.)—you won’t be out-of-pocket. We’re happy to help with the summer watering. Contact Tom Grasmeyer if you’re interested.
  • Assistance with veggie patch. We have a large-ish vegetable garden behind the school. A few moms have led the effort on this for the past number of years, and they’d like to get some newer-to-BVCS parents to become familiar with this. It involves helping with planting/harvesting with elementary grades, occasional weeding, some summer watering (we can help!!!), and so on. Contact Dawn Grasmeyer if you’re interested.

This is a great and fun way to serve your school!