Walker Vis and Muscular Dystrophy

Grade 6 student Walker Vis is trooper. He’s been an important part of Bulkley Valley Christian School since he began kindergarten here. In many ways, he fits right in and is hardly noticeable for his differences: he comes to class, plays, and participates like...

Royals Clothing Store Postponed

Normally at around this time of year we open a BVCS Royals clothing store: hoodies, toques, tee-shirts and more. We do this so that you can have your orders on time for Christmas presents. Unfortunately this year supply issues mean that we’ll have to postpone...

Commencement Evening Cancelled

We have elected to cancel our Commencement Evening and Ice Cream Social, originally planned for the evening of Thursday, September 9. We reached this decision after carefully considering information and guidance available to us at this time. We were excited to see our...

New students, first day

This year we’re welcoming 42 new students to BVCS. Most of them are in kindergarten, and the rest are spread out throughout the school. If you’re one of the new students, we hope you’re looking forward to Tuesday! We sure are. When you get here...

Late or absent

If your student is late or absent for a school day, we need to be informed. This is for attendance but, more importantly, also for safety reasons. If your student will be late or absent (arriving at school after 8:45 AM) please let us know by any of the following:...

Start-of-year Information

On Friday, August 27, we emailed our entire parent community with information pertaining to the start of the school year. The email contained information about school supply lists, first week schedule, Covid-19 protocols and more. If you missed that email, please use...