New Score Clock for BVCS

The Bulkley Valley Christian School Royals are excited to announce that a brand new score clock is on its way here…due to arrive during spring break. This new scoreboard is the generous donation of Steti Transport (Steffen and Tracy Apperloo). This will be a welcome...

Bazaar Sum-Up

What do you get when you mix ice cream, balloons, auctions, games and a building full of people? A BVCS Bazaar. And a lot of nostalgia. And a ton of fun. Our March 8 Bazaar brought together nearly 400 unique volunteer slots and donations (mystery jars, cakes, baking,...

Bazaar: 400 Roles Filled and Filed

The Bazaar involves nearly four hundred unique volunteer positions and donations. That number does not include the 150+ auction items. This is an incredible accomplishment for a school of this size! BVCS is supported by a wonderfully generous and involved community of...

Will and Estate Planning Discussion Opportunity

Bill Murray, BC rep for Christian Stewardship Services, will be in Smithers for the afternoon of March 11 and morning of March 12. He is available to meet with BVCS community members who would like to discuss will and estate planning or charitable giving. If...

Bazaar Auction Donations

We are looking forward to the BVCS Bazaar on Saturday, March 8. As an important part of the Bazaar we plan to host two auctions: a live auction and a bucket auction. However, with the Bazaar only a little over two weeks away we are very short of auction items: we do...

Science World to Visit BVCS

BVCS welcomes Science World for two engaging presentations on Monday, February 3. Grades K – 3: 9 – 9:45 AM · How2Science: Discover and practice the ways that scientists observe, predict and test, with demonstrations that will have audience members spinning on...