Two free upcoming events at BVCS
Will Clinic · Thursday, April 7 (7 pm)
If you’re like most Canadians, you’re living without a will and estate plan. Time to change that.
Through this short seminar, CSS representative Brian Dol will walk you through the will planning process in an easy-to-understand way. Then, if you choose, you can make an appointment to meet with Brian personally to create your will plan (no cost). Brian will help you to understand terms and information so that you can make decisions that suit your unique needs. All of this is free.
What’s involved? (video – 2 mins)
Register for the Will Clinic
Effective Giving Tools · Friday, April 8 (1 pm)
Love supporting charities and hate paying tax?
There are a lot of ways to benefit BVCS, your church and other charities with giving tools that make an impact…and reduce your tax burden. In this 60-minute presentation, Brian Dol will introduce you to simple and effective ways to benefit your favourite charities and your bottom line.
What’s involved? (video – 2 mins)
Register for Effective Giving Tools
OK, what’s the catch? Hidden fees? Pressure?
There is no catch. CSS works with schools like BVCS to help our school parents, donors and supporting community exercise Christian stewardship in managing and planning for their family’s financial future. As Christian financial professionals, they can help you to set goals and priorities, determine appropriate levels and ways to give, and help you to make a will and estate plan that is suitable to your unique needs.
These seminars are not sales presentations. There’s nothing to buy or invest in. These are no fees—hidden or otherwise. You’ll still need your financial planner, accountant, lawyer and other professionals.
Many BVCS staff, supporters and families (including my own) have used CSS to complete a will and estate plan. I’d be happy to answer any questions about the process. Just call me and I can tell you more: 250-847-4238.
Who is Christian Stewardship Services?
Christian Stewardship Services ( has been a trusted partner of BVCS as well as other schools, churches and charities in Canada for many years.

Brian Dol
Brian Dol, CSS Representative
With a long history of work in the client services industry, Brian is well suited for his role. He has worked in the banking industry for 17 years. Brian also worked for a short time as a financial advisor. Brian is an advisor for the local Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference and attends Calvary Baptist Church in Coquitlam. Brian will be at BVCS in person.