News & Updates
QC/NYC Trip Letter
Students (and their parents) who are going to Quebec/NYC must sign and return an important letter, available on our website.
Don’t Let Your Child Miss Out On a $1,200 Grant!
If your child is between 6 and 8 years of age you are likely eligible for an education grant of $1,200.
BV Christian Kids’ Hockey
Christian Kids Hockey meets once a week on Friday evenings and/or Saturday mornings starting Oct 14/15th to work on skills and play some fun games. Hockey is available ages 6-17. Players will be split up and placed in one of the time slots (2 Friday evening and 2...
September 19: Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II
BVCS will observe the day of mourning for Queen Elizabeth II on Monday, September 19. No classes on that day.
2021-22 Yearbook Available Now
The 2021-2022 yearbooks have arrived and are available from the BVCS office for $20 each.
Bus schedules/routes released
We have posted our bus routes to our website.
ReBoot: Little Sunshines
Little Sunshines is a parent-and-tot (0 – 4 years) playgroup hosted each Monday at BVCS. It’s free to attend!
Get Licensed!
Free babysitting, a competitive wage, and work hours that match your children’s school schedules: drive bus for BVCS! We’ll cover all costs to get you licensed!
QC/NYC Fundraiser: Telkwa BBQ
QC/NYC trip fundraiser needs your help! Volunteer for the Telkwa BBQ.
Open Campus Drop-in for New Students
New to BVCS? On Thursday, September 1 you can drop in to the BVCS campus and meet your teacher, tour the building and see your classroom.