BVCS is currently working to irrigate the ’new field’ using 1½” surface sprinklers. We’ve been doing this with three people for the past week or so, and it’s just way too much for the three of us. We really need help—we need a Hoser Crew.

We can use parents, students (you can’t miss class), grandparents and others.

We have a schedule/sign-up established for May and June (for now…). You can find out what’s involved with the link below. We’ll also show you, on-site, how to do this…it’s truly not complicated…no special skills required (but bring boots). You can do a slot early morning (before work) or evening (after work).

Right now we have slots for every day. Very likely we’ll need to remove some if weather gets wetter/cooler and/or we find that we just need to do this as frequently as planned. The frequency right now is due to the fact that we can only support up to three sprinklers operating at a time…we lose too much pressure when we add more. We have to sprinkle and move, sprinkle and move, etc.

  1. Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp:
  2. Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
  3. Sign up! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
The BVCS Hoser Crew – Sign Up