Jun 5, 2023 | Elementary School, High School, Kindergarten, School News
BVCS has been instructed by our auditor that we are required to have proof of citizenship and proof of residency for every BVCS family. This is in order to comply with BC Ministry of Education funding requirements. We currently have this information on file for very...
Jun 2, 2023 | Elementary School, High School
Per the Accessible BC Act Regulation 3, our school must implement an Association Accessibility Plan by September 1, 2023. This plan must be relevant for our school and compliant to provincial expectations. SCSBC will help develop this plan with us. We are requesting...
May 23, 2023 | Elementary School, High School
Thursday , May 25 is School Spirit Day at BVCS! Elementary students—wear your BVCS Royals clothing. Hats, hoodies, shirts, etc. High School Students—You’ve got spring Olympics! Wear team colours as follows: Grade 8 – Blue Grade 9 / 10 A – K – Pink...
May 18, 2023 | Elementary School, High School
We’re looking forward to an excellent golf tournament (19th annual!) on Saturday, May 27. Find out more here: www.bvcs.ca/golf If you haven’t signed up yet, do so now! We’ll be finalizing teams on Tuesday and then sending team lists to the Golf Club....
May 9, 2023 | Elementary School, High School
The 19th Annual BVCS Golf Tournament is getting close! We’re looking forward to an excellent day together on Saturday, May 27, at the Smithers Golf Club. We are looking for a few volunteers for the tournament: check-in table (two more volunteers needed): FILLED!...
May 4, 2023 | High School
Please support our grades 9-11 students in fundraising for their fall field trip by joining the Bulkley Valley Christian School Quebec/New York City Fundraiser on Facebook. Please invite others from the Bulkley Valley to join the auction! Link to auction:...