Science Fair Sign-Up

Are you a parent of a science fair student (grade 6 through 9)? Would you like to see all the displays? We’re opening the science fair to parents on Thursday, March 11, in twenty-minute time slots starting at 2:10 until 3:50 pm. We need to limit the number of...

Re-enrolment forms

Re-enrolment forms have been sent to each BVCS family. They were printed on a yellow sheet of paper. Please review, mark any changes required and then return to the school office by Friday, February 19. If you have misplaced your re-enrolment form, please contact the...

Kindergarten Vaccinations

It is time to get your child ready for kindergarten! Northern Health has asked us to send this the parents of all incoming kindergarten students: Children entering kindergarten in September 2021 are eligible for school entry immunizations at the Smithers Public Health...

BVCS Christmas Project

Each year, BVCS K-12 students take on a ‘Christmas project’ for the benefit of others. Over the years, this has included Christmas shoeboxes, singing for the elderly, Salvation Army Kettles, and more. This year we’d like to challenge ourselves to something we have...