New students, first day

This year we’re welcoming 42 new students to BVCS. Most of them are in kindergarten, and the rest are spread out throughout the school. If you’re one of the new students, we hope you’re looking forward to Tuesday! We sure are. When you get here...

Late or absent

If your student is late or absent for a school day, we need to be informed. This is for attendance but, more importantly, also for safety reasons. If your student will be late or absent (arriving at school after 8:45 AM) please let us know by any of the following:...

Start-of-year Information

On Friday, August 27, we emailed our entire parent community with information pertaining to the start of the school year. The email contained information about school supply lists, first week schedule, Covid-19 protocols and more. If you missed that email, please use...

Covid-19 Protocol Q&A

The following is a list of questions and answers about COVID 19 protocols at BVCS next year. These protocols follow the Ministry of Education information released on August 24th. Q: Are masks required this year? A: Non-medical masks are required to be worn inside the...

School Supply List 2021-22

The school supply list for 2021-22 is available below, or download this as a printable PDF. ALL students (K-12) require non-scuff shoes for gym and indoor use. Please test them before purchasing! ALL students (4-12) must supply their own masks for use at school. Grade...

Bake & Craft Sale for Nanfayie

BVCS is hosting a COVID friendly bake and craft sale on Thursday, June 10th.  This sale will be geared towards elementary students but any leftover baking and crafts will be open for high school students.  The proceeds of the sale will go towards professional...