Re-enrolment forms

Re-enrolment forms have been sent to each BVCS family. They were printed on a yellow sheet of paper. Please review, mark any changes required and then return to the school office by Friday, February 19. If you have misplaced your re-enrolment form, please contact the...

Mask-Makers Unite!

We’re looking for parents and volunteers to sew masks. With the new requirement for high school students to wear masks (we’re implementing this beginning Tuesday, February 15), we’d like to have about 100 re-usable masks on hand. These will be...

Supporting Your Teen: Free Seminar

COVID times aren’t easy. Parents, here’s a great opportunity to learn how to identify signs of stress and anxiety in your teenager, and how best to support them. Join speaker Ocean Samang, Senior Advisor for Mental Health, Safer Schools Together for a...

BVCS Trades Program, Re-tooled

This semester’s high school trades class is a lesson in more than construction: it’s a lesson in sharing. Between them, students are sharing one chop saw, one carpenter’s square, one quick square, one impact driver and one air nailer. Many of the...

BVCS Christmas Project

Each year, BVCS K-12 students take on a ‘Christmas project’ for the benefit of others. Over the years, this has included Christmas shoeboxes, singing for the elderly, Salvation Army Kettles, and more. This year we’d like to challenge ourselves to something we have...