News & Updates
Going Once, Going Twice—Online Auction
BVCS is launching another online auction! From March 2 to 5, you’ll be able to bid on an incredible array of products, services and experiences all in support of Christian education at Bulkley Valley Christian School!
High School Drama Evening
On February 3, high school drama brought to our community a full-length evening of sketch comedy. The live-steam recording is available on our website.
Video cameras
BVCS is looking for a HDMI-capable cameras to use for live-streaming purposes.
Forté submission deadline: Friday Feb 4
Our deadline for submissions for Forté student talent show evening is this Friday, February 4!
School Bus Service Ending
We were recently notified by School District 54 that effective January 31, they will no longer be providing bus services to area independent schools.
To help you decide on schools and prepare for your launch into kindergarten, we’re planning another KinderView event. This year we will host KinderView online via Zoom.
BVCS Communicable Disease Plan
The BVCS Communicable Disease Plan is available here.
Forté Concert Planned for February 10
Once again the BVCS community will create a special stage for special talents of students from Kindergarten through Grade 12.
Remembering John Franken
On December 29, 2021, John Franken met his Saviour face-to-face after a battle with renal cancer. John served for many years at Bulkley Valley Christian School as a much-loved member of our teaching staff. He also served as an administrator, computer technician and...
Looking for Guitars
We’re looking for donations of classical (nylon string) or acoustic (steel string) guitars that are in good shape