News & Updates
Cold Weather Bussing
With cold weather approaching, families with bus riders should be prepared.
Salvation Army Carolling
BVCS students will once again be sponsoring a Salvation Army kettle for a day. This year we’ll be at the No Frills mall on Thursday, December 21. We invite parents, grandparents and friends to join us as we carol round the kettle.
Christmas Week: Student Council Activities
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! Student council invites BVCS staff and students to an exciting final week before Christmas break. There’s lots going on.
Library Books Needed
We are looking for some help from our families. Right now we are in need of books in our elementary classrooms, specifically for our grade 1-2 and our grade 3 classroom. We are looking for “beginning readers” story books.
November Grocery Cards Draw
There are just a few days remaining in our November grocery card draw! Purchase your grocery cards before the end of the day on Thursday, November 30.
Volleyball Zones livestream links
We will livestream the first two Volleyball Zones games at BVCS (Boys at 1:50 pm and Girls at 3 pm)
Together Annual Campaign
BVCS has launched its 2023 ‘Together’ Annual Campaign…also known as the ‘year-end drive.’ We invite parents, grandparents and our supporting community to make a year-end financial gift towards this project before the end of December.
Senior Girls and Senior Boys Zones Tournament Schedules
Tournament schedules are available for Senior Girls and Senior Boys NW ‘A’ Zones tournaments.
Grapevine for Autumn 2023
The Autumn 2023 Grapevine has been released! In this issue we share stories about the QC/NYC trip and we catch up with alumna Monica Kronemeyer deRegt. You’ll also meet two of our newest teaching staff.
Matilda – Elementary Musical Opportunities
There are opportunities for students in K – 7 to join the BVCS presentation of the musical Matilda.